Saturday, 3 October 2015

Question bank of front office
1st Semester
Q1. Explain importance of tourism industry in India keeping in mind the economic and industrial growth of the country?                     10                                                                                                                2008
Q2   Explain the relationship between hospitality and travel and tourism industry stressing how both of these complement each other growth? 10                                                                                   2008                          
Q3 Define hotel. Mention different departments of a hotel. Explain Front office and its importance.      10                  2010
Q4 what are the various parameters by which hotels can be classified? List them and give examples for each category?      10                                                                                                                          2008            
Q5 Explain the duties and responsibilities of a front office agent. Elaborate on sales skill set required for the same?   10                                                                                                                                       2008
Q6 write notes on interdepartmental co-operation of front office with the following departmental:
a Housekeeping                                b F&B service                                     c Engineering     
 d Marketing and sale                                  (5+3+2=10) 2009, 2008
Q7 Explain the location, layout and functions of the bell desk?           10       2009
Q8   What is the role of a GRE in a hotel?    10                      2009
Q9 Plan  the organizational hierarchy ot the front office department of a large hotel (above 500 rooms)?            10                                                                                      2009
Q10 Describe in detail about handling of guest’s luggage? Prepare the needed formats also. 10   2009, 2010
Q11 Write a descriptive note on the history of hotel industry?   10                                  2007, 2008, 2010
Q12 Explain the concept, scope and importance of tourism?      10                                   2007
Q13   List down the different sections of front office and briefly explain the activities in each section.   10   2008
Q14   Classify hotels based on “ownership and affiliation”. Elaborate on any two              10     2006
Q15 List, illustrate and describe five different types of rooms.                     10                   2006
Q16 what are the personality traits required being a front office professional?   10   2006
Q17 Draw a neat layout of a hotel’s front office and list the equipment used.   10   2006
Q18 what is the procedure used for left luggage at the bell desk?        10   2006
Q19 what do you understand by concierge? Elaborate on the functions performed at the concierge   10   2006
Q20 what do you understand by the term “intangibility of service”? How can hotels ensure that guest receive “standard service” at all times?      10           2011
Q21 How can hotel guest be classified on the basis of “purpose of travelling”? How does this classification help the hotels in its planning and preparation for guest service?                           10                                2011
Q22 Draw and organization chart of the front office department in a large, full service hotel? 10 2011
Q23 Draw a neat diagram of a 5 star hotel lobby, depicting the layout of different functional areas as well as entry and exit points. Labels the diagram clearly. 10 2011
Q24 List at least five equipment along with their illustrative diagrams (wherever possible) and describe their uses/ application in front office operation.  10   2011
Q25 “Front office is the nerve centre of a hotels operation”. Explain this statement with suitable example.   10    2011
Q26  Outline the evolution and growth of the hotel industry, giving important developments, dates and people.    10            2011
Q27” first impression is the last impression which is created by front office department” justify this statement?  10 2014
Q28 Draw a neat layout plan of five star hotel lobby and design a layout of multi system front office counter? 10  2014
Q29 “Effective listening is an important part in telephone handling” As a front office staff list the various measures taken while handling guest calls. 10  2012
Q30 Give step-by step procedure for baggage handling on FIT arrival. Support your answer with any one document used during the process. 10 2012
Q31 Define the term inn. Give any eight examples of supplementary accommodation and explain each briefly. 10 2013
Q32 Define the term hotel and classify it on different basis. Also give the single and double room sizes of star categorized hotels. 10 2013
Q33 Write short notes on the following:-   ( 2009,2010,2011,2013,2014)
1.    Motel                                                             
2.    Rooming a guest
3.    J.R.D Tata
4.    Significance of tourism
5.    Time share and condominium
6.    Hospitality and its origin
7.    Errand card
8.    Commissionaire
9.    Chalet
10. Message handling
11. Paging
12. Airport hotel
13. Resort
14. Casino hotel
15. Heritage hotel
16. Franchise hotel
17. Spa
18. Referral group
19. Supplementary accommodation
20. Importance of tourism
Q34 Differentiate the following:-
1.    Concierge and information assistant
2.    Time share and condominium
3.    Tariff  and plan
4.    Independent hotel and chain hotel
5.    Confirmed reservation and guaranteed reservation.
6.    Adjoining and adjacent room
7.    FIT and GIT
8.    Bell hop and concierge
9.    Skipper and sleeper
10. Cabana and lanai room
Q35 Write the full form of the following abbreviations
1.    DNCO                                    11 IATO         
2.    CVGR                                    12 TAAI 
3.    FHRAI                        13 HRACC
4.    VNR
5.    B&B
6.    IRCTC
7.    HWC
8.    OOO
9.    FIT
10. TMC
Q36   Write the following cardinaux in French:-
I    9      ii    4    iii    20     IV    8    v    12 vi 100
Write the following days in French
Wednesday                     Excuse me
Sunday                           August
Monday                          March
Thursday                                    September
Friday                               January
Black                                Saturday
One hour                         Sir
Good morning                Good evening
White                                Saturday

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