Thursday 22 September 2016

Question bank for 3rd semester students(front office)

Q1. Write short note on modern key control?

Q2 Explain the function performed during Night auditing?

Q3 what is the role of front office staff to ensure security and safety of guest?

Q4   Explain different types of vouchers prepared by front office staff?

Q5 Explain credit control measures   adopted in hotels?

Q6   What is late check out? How can late checkout be minimized?

Q7 French guest is settling his bill using French currency and traveler’s   cheque .Explain the checkout procedure with relevant documentation for situation?

Q8   What is the property management system? Explain Fidelio and Amadeus?

Q9   Explain the ECO with neat diagram?

Q10 Explain the role of information technology in hospitality sector?

Q11 Draw a cash sheet and   explain its use in hotel?

Q12 List the precautions to be taken while accepting currency notes, credit card and traveler agent voucher?

Q13 What is P.M.S  ? Write any three reports prepared by P.M.S.

Q14 As a front office employee how will you deal with

a)      Theft in the hotel room

b)      Bomb threat

Q15 How does the hotel provide safety and security to guest and guest valuable in current scenario?

Q16 what is folio? Discuss types of folios used in hotels and draw a sample guest folio?

Q17 what are the advantages of using PMS in hotel? Explain salient features of Fidelio and Amadeus

Q18 Explain the procedure of handling safe deposit lockers by front office. What procedure is adopted for its allocation to the guest and its surrender by the guest?

Q19 Discuss the guest cycle keeping in mind the accounting fundamentals?

Q20 Explain the Visitors tabular ledger with the help of format?

Q21 what are the various methods of guest account settlement?

Q22   Explain the various possible frauds in hotel operations?

Q23 what are dos and don’ts in case of fire how will you handle food poisoning of a guest?

Q24 what is credit control and what are the measure to monitor the credit control systems in hotels?

Q25 Differentiate the following:-

a)      Travelers cheque and ordinary cheque

b)      Express checkout and self checkout

c)       Discount and allowance

d)      Key card and card key

e)      VTL and VPO

f)       Travelers cheque and demand draft

g)      Credit settlement and cash settlement

h)      Travelers cheque and travel agent voucher

Q26 write short notes:-

a)      VPO                                                                                       k ) city ledger                                                                    

b)      Charge privilege                                                               l) master folio

c)       Credit monitoring                                                            m) voucher

d)      Zero out                                                                               n) guest account

e)      A/C Transfer                                                                      o) House limit

f)       No pest out                                                                        p) discrepancy report

g)      Late charge                                                                         q) cash bank

h)      Due back                                                                             r) high risk account

i)        Account ageing                                                                 s) split folio

j)        Allowance                                                                           t) lock out

                                                                                                u) pick up errors

Q27 Draw the following formats:-

a)      Paid out voucher                              e) correction voucher

b)      FO cash sheet                                    f) VTL

c)       Guest folio                                          g) Allowance voucher

d)      City ledger                                          h) Foreign currency encashment certificate

Q28 Translate into French

a)      I want to make reservation - Je veux réserver

b)      May I help you?- Puis-je vous aider

c)       Welcome to our hotel sir- bienvenue à notre hôtel monsieur

d)      Kindly shift my room- de bien vouloir changer ma chambre

e)      This is your key madam- ceci est votre madame clé

f)       Good  morning sir- Bonjour Monsieur

g)      See you tomorrow- Rendez-vous demain

h)      Have a nice day- Bonne journée

i)        Your baggage please - Vos bagages s'il vous plaît

j)        May I help you madam?- Puis-je vous aider madame?

k)      Good evening - Bonsoir

l)        How are you?- Comment allez-vous?

m)     I am sorry- je suis désolé

n)      My pleasure welcome- Mon plaisir de bienvenue

o)      Good bye- Au Revoir

p)      Welcome- Bienvenue

q)      Do you speak English- Parlez-vous anglais

r)       I want to book a room- Je veux réserver une chambre

s)       What is your name?- Comment vous appelez-vous?

t)       speak louder please- parle plus fort je te prie

u)      i want a single room with a double bed and attached bath- je veux une chambre simple avec un lit double et salle de bain attenante

v)      I must have a quiet room- je dois avoir une chambre calme

w)    on what floor is the room?- sur quel étage est la chambre?

x)      do you have cheaper room- avez-vous chambre moins chère

y)      will you please show me your passport- montrerez-vous s'il vous plaît me votre passeport

z)       where are my newspapers- où sont mes journaux


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