Thursday 17 March 2016

With other departments of hotel

Front office - this is like brain of hotel which does the all activity of hotel by co-originating with other dept of hotel like Housekeeping dept, maintenance dept, F&B dept and other dept of hotel.
With telephone Exchange Front office inform telephone department regarding arrival and departure of FIT’s ,Groups VIP air crews members etc along with their notification slips This helps telephone departments so that they can address all guest by appropriate names.

With F&B dept-front office needs to have a co-ordination with F&B dept to give the order of food plan which are booked by guests, to provide required and necessary or needed food &beverages to guests which are informed to front office .The front office sends the arrivals and departure notification slips to the room service . This helps room service to address guest by name while taking the food orders. Front office also send the house counts, Indian and foreigner in the house. This helps rooms evince to make the duty roster

with HK dept – It is only possible to attain 100% or more room occupancy if the  house keeping cleans and clears the rooms instantly on knowing directly or through reception about the departure .. Housekeeping sends thrice a day room status report to the reception at 7.30am, 3.00pm and 10.00pm the status report gives the status of each room along with number of occupants. The reception in charge compares this report with his room status and note down any discrepancies. This discrepancies report is then checked with the latest arrivals and departures and with floor supervisor. After check out of guest about feedback and damage, to look about lost article of guests are informed by HK dept to front office so the co-ordination is helpful in such cases
even this co-ordination helps to Lost and found  dept to get address from front office because to reach the lost article to its owner.

Discrepancy report
Hotel ABC
The mall


R. no
Room status as per housekeeping report
Room status as per front office report
Action Taken

With engineering dept- Any maintenance work is informed through the maintenance voucher.  The maintenance department immediately deputes an official to a carry out repair or replaces the faulty equipment. It also helps to provide electrical needs in case of power cut off, or any other emergency cases.

Guest Room Change
In case a room doesn’t match the guest’s expectations, the guest may want to change the room. There are times when the hotel may wish to change the room of a resident guest.
If the change of room is done in the presence of the guest, it is called a live move.
If it is carried out in the absence of the guest, it is known as a dead move.
A guest may want to change his room in the following circumstances:
1.      If the room assigned to the guest is not as per his choice.
2.      If one or more equipments or facilities in the room are not working satisfactorily.
3.      If the number of occupants in the room changes.
The hotel may wish to change the guest’s room for the following reasons:
1.      If the guest was upgraded due to the non-availability of the requested category of rooms.
2.      If the guest overstays and the hotel does not have a room of the same type to allot to the next guest.
3.      If the hotel has scheduled a spring cleaning for the room.
4.      If the room requires maintenance work.
To change the room of a resident guest, the following procedure is followed:
1.      The front office informs the guest about the room change in advance so that the guest packs his luggage properly.
2.      The front office agent fills six copies of the guest room change slip for reception, bell captain, front desk cashier, telephone exchange, housekeeping, and room service and takes authorization from a competent authority.
3.      A bell boy is called and given the keys of the new room. He proceeds to the guest room to shift the guest’s luggage.
4.      In case of dead move, the bell boy asks the room boy/floor boy to open the guest room. If it is a live move, he goes to the room and requests the guest to allow him to shift the luggage.
5.      The bell boy removes all the guest’s belongings from the room and locks the room. He then carries all the belongings to the new room and hands over the new room keys to the guest. He collects the keys of the room being vacated from the guest and deposits the same at the front desk.

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