Sunday 27 March 2016

2nd Semester
Q1. List the various sources for reservation for a hotel and explain them? 10 2008
Q2   Briefly explain the various stages of guest cycle? 10 2008 2011 2012
Q3 what is the importance of guest registration card? Explain the G.R.C AND C- Form with formats? 10 2008, 2012
Q4   Explain Guaranteed and non guaranteed reservation. Also explain the process of reservation confirmation? 10 2008
Q5 what is necessary data collected during group reservation? Write pre- arrival activity of group arrival? 10 2008
Q6 write notes on interdepartmental co-operation of front office with the following departmental (Note: co-ordination with all departments should be learned by students)
a Housekeeping                                b F&B service                                     c Engineering     
d Marketing and sale                                  (5+3+2=10) 2009, 2008
Q7 Draw format of the following:-
a)    Guest weekly Bill  b) Reservation form   c) Message slip d) G.R.C 10 2009
Q8 Distinguish between the following 10 2009,2011,2012,2014
a)    Up selling and upgrading
b)    Sleeper and sleep out
c)    Walk in and walking the guest
d)    Registration card and C- form
e)    Guaranteed and non Guaranteed reservation
f)     Tariff and plan
g)    Floor limit and  house limit
h)   Confirmed reservation and guaranteed reservation
Q9 List and explain the various steps in the registration process? 10 2009 2011
Q10   Explain different types of food plans and justify their suitability to different hotels? 10 2012
Q11 what is tariff? What is the basis of charging tariff in a hotel? 10 2012
Q12   what is up selling? Discuss the details of room selling techniques used in front office? 10 2012
Q13 Explain the various types of complaints in detail by giving suitable examples?10 2011
Q14   Explain the importance and purpose of maintaining the guest history in a five star hotel? 10 2011
Q15 what are the basis of tariff fixation? Explain Hubbarts’s formula 10 2011
Q16 What are the system of reservation and explain any two with format? 10 2011
Q17 what is the purpose of a confirmation letter at eh time of reservation? Explain the telephonic reservation procedure? 10 2011
Q18 what do you understand by the pre- registration activities? Explain the importance of pre- arrival activities?
Q19   What are the different types of mails and explain the procedure of mail – handling with flow chart? 10 2012 2011
Q20   Explain the importance of inter-departmental co- ordination with other non- revenue earning departments of hotel? 10 2012
Q21 a) “complaints are business opportunities not threats”. Discuss this statement.
b)    Explain what benefits can be derived from complaints. 10 2011
Q22 Explain rack rates and other discounted rates offered in a hotel? 10 2012
Q23 Write shorts notes on
a)    Message handling b) G.D.S  c) overbooking d) under stay  e) overstay f) walking  g) cut- off date h) retention charges i) Cancellation j) PMS k) No- show l)time limit
m) Key handling n) Hospitality desk   o) Room selling technique p) rooming the guest
Q24   Explain different special rates offered by hotels to promote room sales? 10 2009
Q25 draw a neat format of a tariff card and discuss about the different types of tariffs available in a hotel? 10 2010
Q26   How will you handle the following guests?
A)   A drunken guest
B)   A fussy guest
C)   A guest who is not happy with his stay
D)   A guest who was disturbed very badly during his sleep
E)   A guest who has lost his air ticket
Q27 what are the major types of reservations? Explain the various modes used by guest to guarantee the reservations. 10 2010
Q28 List the information required for making a reservation and draw the format of the reservation form? 10 2010
Q29   Draw the various formats used by hotels in mail and message handling and briefly explain them? 10 2009
Q30 Give step by step procedure followed during and after registration of a foreign guest (   Note:  steps for all types of guest are to be learned by students) . Draw one format used in registration process. 10 2011

Front office glossary
BACK OF THE HOUSE:The functional areas of a hotel or restaurant in which employees have little or no direct guest contact, such as kitchen areas,engineering and maintenance, and the accounting department.
BED & BREAKFAST (B&B):A small inn or lodge that provides a room and a breakfast. Often a B&B is in a residential home setting and/or a historic building converted to a quaint lodging facility.
Back to Back:   A sequence of consecutive group departures and arrivals usually arranged by tour operators so rooms are never vacant; a floor plan design that brings the piping of adjacent baths into a common shaft.
Black list: A black list is a record of people whom the hotel does not wish to accept as guests.
CALL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM:A system that is part of the telephone equipment that prices telephone calls made by hotel guests and sends the information to the property management system (PMS) for billing.
CANCELLATION:A reservation voided by a guest.
CANCELLATION HOUR:A specific time after which a property may release for sale all unclaimed non-guaranteed reservations, according to property policy.
CANCELLATION NUMBER:A number issued to a guest who properly cancels are servation, proving that a cancellation was received and acted upon.
CARD KEY:A plastic card, resembling a credit card, used in place of a metal key to open a guest room door. Card keys require electronic locks.
CENTRAL RESERVATION OFFICE:Part of an affiliate reservation network. A central reservation office typically deals directly with the public, advertises a central (usually toll-free) telephone number, provides participating properties with necessary communications equipment, and bills properties for handling their reservations.
CHECK-IN:The procedures for a guest's arrival and registration.
CHECK-OUT:The procedures for a guest's departure and the settling of his or her account
COMPLIMENTARY ROOM: A complimentary or "comp" room is an occupied room for which the guest is not charged. A hotel may offer comp rooms to a group in ratio to the total number of rooms the group occupies. One comp room may be offered for each fifty rooms occupied, for example.
CONCIERGE: An employee whose basic task is to serve as the guest's liaison with hotel and non-hotel attractions, facilities, services, and activities.
CONFIRMED RESERVATION: An oral or written statement by the supplier (a carrier, hotel, car rental company, etc.) that he or she has received and will honor a reservation. Oral confirmations have virtually no legal worth. Even written or telegraphed confirmations have specified or implied limitations. For example, a hotel is not obligated to honor a confirmed reservation if the guest arrives after 6 p.m., unless late arrival is specified. Confirmed reservations maybe either guaranteed or non-guaranteed.
CONTINENTAL PLAN: A room rate that includes continental breakfast.
FOREIGN INDEPENDENT TOUR (FIT): A tour created for individuals or families who walk into a travel agency and tell an agent what country or are at Floor limit: A limit assigned to hotels by credit card companies indicating the maximum amount in credit card charges the hotel is permitted to accept from a card member without special authorization.

GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (GDS): A network of internet reservation systems that provide a central place where travelers and travel agents can check availability and reserve travel related products like hotels, airline, car rentals, cruises, rail. Formed and managed by the airline industry and includes system like Sabre, Apollo, Amadeus, and Pegasus.
GROUP RESERVATIONS: A block of multiple guest rooms that are being held under an individual or business' name at a particular hotel for a specific date or range of dates. Generally used for conventions, conferences, meetings, receptions, weddings, etc.
GUEST COMMENT CARD:  Short questionnaires that lodging properties and food service establishments ask their guests to fill out. Guest comments are used by the property to define current markets and to improve the operation.
GUEST HISTORY CARD: A record of the guest's visits including rooms as signed rates, special needs, and credit rating.
GUEST HISTORY FILE:  A file containing guest history cards. It is maintained for marketing purposes and is referred to for return visits.
GUEST RELATIONS:   The establishment of personal rapport and goodwill with guests through service and attention to individual guest needs. In a narrower sense, the promotion of in-house products and services,the entertainment of VIPs, and the handling of social functions--especially in are sort hotel.
Guaranteed reservation: A reservation that assures the guest that a room will be held until checkout time of the day following the day of arrival; the guest guarantees payment for the room, even if it is not used, unless the reservation is cancelled prior to the cancellation hour.

HOTEL GUEST CYCLE: The sequence of phases that begins with pre- sale events, continues through point-of-sale activities, and concludes with post-sale transactions. The phases identify the physical contacts and financial exchanges that occur between guests and various revenue centers within a lodging operation.
Itinerary: Detailed description of a traveller’s journey as shown on their tickets; can also include accommodation and other pre:arranged activities.

Late Checkout: A guest who has a scheduled departure for the day but remains beyond the checkout hour with permission of the desk and thus without charge.

Lead Time: Time period from when a booking was made to the time a guest checks into the hotel.

OCCUPANCY REPORT: A report prepared each night by a front desk agent that lists rooms occupied that night and also lists those guests expected to check out the following day.
OCCUPIED: A room status term indicating that a guest is currently registered to the room
OVERBOOKING: Accepting reservations that exceed available rooms
. OVERSTAY: A guest who remains at the property after his or her stated departure date.
PACKAGE: A special offering of products and services created by a hotel to increase sales. There are weekend packages, honeymoon packages, sports packages, and so on. A typical package might, for a special price, include the guest room, meals, and the use of the property's recreational facilities.
PACKAGE TOUR: A tour put together by a tour packager or operator.Travelers who buy the package make the trips by themselves rather than with a large group. The package offers, at an inclusive price, several travel elements which a traveler would otherwise purchase separately--any combination of lodging; sight-seeing; attractions; meals; entertainment; car rental; and transportation by air, motor coach, rail, or even private vehicle. A package tour may include more than one destination.
POINT OF SALE SYSTEM (POS): Computerized systems that retail outlets such as restaurants, gift shops, etc, enter orders and maintain various accounting information. The POS generally interfaces with the property management system (PMS).
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS): A computerized front desk system that manages hotel room inventory, guest billing and interfaces with various other systems such as telephone, call accounting, point of sale (POS), entertainment, etc.
RACK RATE: The current rate charged for each accommodation as established by the property's management
RESERVATIONS: A guest room that being held under an individual or business' name at a particular hotel for a specific date or range of dates.
ROOM BLOCK: An agreed-upon number of rooms set aside for members of a group planning to stay at a hotel.
ROOM RACK: A card index system that is constantly updated to reflect occupied and vacant rooms. In the evening, the room rack contains forms for only those registered guests remaining for the night who are to be charged for rooms. A daily room report can be prepared from the room rack.
ROOM RATE: The price a hotel charges for overnight accommodation. See also Rack Rate.
ROOM STATUS: Information about current and future availability of guestrooms in a lodging property. Current availability is determined through housekeeping data. Future availability is determined through reservations data. Information about availability data which extends several days into the future is important because it may affect the length of stay of in-house guests.
ROOM STATUS DISCREPANCY:  A situation in which the housekeeping department's description of a room's status differs from the room status information that guides the front desk employee in assigning rooms to guests. Discrepancies can seriously affect a property's ability to satisfy guests and maximize room’s revenue.
ROOMING LIST:  A list of the guests who will occupy reserved accommodations. This list is submitted in advance by the buyer.
ROOMS DISCREPANCY REPORT  : A report that notes any variances between front desk and housekeeping room status updates. It often alerts management to investigate the possibility of sleepers. See Sleeper.
SKIPPER: A guest who leaves without paying.
SLEEPER: A vacant room that is believed to be occupied because the room rack slip or registration card was not removed from the rack when the previous guest departed.
STAY OVER: A room status term indicating that the guest is not checking out and will remain at least one more night
UNDER STAY: A guest who checks out before his or her stated departure date
UPGRADE: To move to a better accommodation or class of service.
Up selling  : A sales technique whereby a guest is offered a more expensive room than what he or she reserved or originally requested, and then persuaded to rent the room based on the room’s features, benefits, and his or her needs.

VACANT: A room status term indicating that the room has been cleaned and inspected, and is ready for the arriving guest.
WALK-IN GUEST: A guest who arrives at a hotel without a reservation
WALKING A GUEST:    A situation in which a hotel is unable to honor a guest's reservation and helps the guest find accommodation elsewhere.
Wash down (or wash): Blocking fewer rooms than the number requested by a group, based on previous group history.

Discount is offered t the guest to attract him so the sale can be increased. The fact is by giving
Discount hotel tries to increase its sale and hence profit, sounds unusual by is a fact. Discounts
can be  offered to the guest under following circumstances.
1. Off season Discounts:- During off season hotels offer a percentage of tariffs as
Discounts , on rack rate or offer discounts tariff to attract more guest. As it has been
Discussed that the room is the most perishable commodity and if it remains unsold it
Cannot .be used for earning revenue.
2. Group Tariffs:- Group of 10 persons and more are offered special discounted tariffs to
attract them. The quantum of discount will depend upon the size of the group, season
whether off or peak it is arriving. Quantum of business the company gives throughout .
the year, number of days the group will be staying.
3. Airlines Tariffs:- crews, airlines executives, layover passengers on airlines accounts are'
offered special discounted tariffs as they give more number of room nights throughout
the year.
4. Special Tariffs:- Company's giving more number of room nights business are also
offered special tariffs to attract them to tour hotel.
5. FHRAI members:- The member of federation of hotel and restaurant association of
lndia are 30% discounts to all member by the rnember hotels and restaurants.
6. Conference Tariffs:- These days hotels especially resort hotels offers very special tariffs
to companies to attract them to hold conferences in their hotels.
7. Food/ltem Not Served:- Sometimes guest complaint either at the time of checking out
before but after the bill has been raised that the food /service charged for were
never availed by them . lf the hotel is convinced that the bill has been wrongly raised
than the discount is offered to the guest for the amount he is over charged

Sales techniques

Up selling
This refers to the efforts of reservation staff and reception staff to convince guest to hire rooms in the higher categories. they should try to sell the higher priced rooms to the guest. but they should also keep in mind that no negetive selling should take place.
The guest does not mid paying higher price for the room if he is getting amenties worth the money he is paying. At times by selling a lower priced room to a guest makes him dissatisfy as he was never offered better rooms with higher price tags.
This sales techniques starts the selling process at the lowest priced item and then sells up to the next level and then the next, until the customer choose the level and price of product or services they require based  on the feature described and the perceived value.
Down selling is essentially the opposite of upselling, we start at the most expensive item and work down to the lowest price until the cstomer chooses the product or servics they are comfortable with. this also works well when a potential customer indicates they are not sure what they are after but gives us clues that value and money are important.
Suggestive selling
This involves selling products or services by suggesting alternatives ina way that creats desire.  to create the desire, we need to: Describe ad offer alternative products or services and Highlight secial features, benefits and value.Our ability to accurately describe and make suggestions about products adds significant to the sales experience of the buyer and the bottom line for the venue.
Extras and add ons

This also reffered to as cross selling and is a technique used to encourage customers to purchase additional products to the main products to make it more desirable. When customers make reservations we often ask if there is anything else we can do for them, or we tell them about other features in the venue that may be of interest.

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