Thursday 17 March 2016

The activities that are carried out by the front desk agents before the arrival of guests, which help accelerate the process of guest registration, are termed as preregistration activities. Pre-registration activities includes:
Preparation of arrival and departure list
Amenity vouchers are prepared for arriving guest and sent to concerned department
Pre-filling of guest registration card base on the information gathered from reservation form and guest history card
Staffing at front desk to cater the need of rush at peak arrival and departure time
Arrangement for welcoming guest (Aarti, Tilak and Garlanding)
Arrangement for welcome drink for the group and VIP
Arranging all required arrangements for the guest
Room and rate assignment and the creation of guest folios in case advance payment has been received by the hotel.

Registration is the process of gathering information from the guest that is mandatory as per the laws prevailing in the country. According to the Foreigner’s Act, 1946 and the Registration of Foreigners’ Rules, 1992, the innkeeper should keep the records of the guests staying in his premises as per Form F
Registration is the formalization of a valid contract between the guest and the hotel, in which the hotel offers safe and secure boarding and lodging facilities to the guest and the guest accepts to pay for the services and facilities received

Form C
According to the Registration of Foreigners’ Rules, 1992, Rule 14, it is obligatory on the part of the hotel owner to send information about foreigners registered at the hotel on Form C to the nearest Foreigner’s Regional Registration Office (FRRO) or to the Local Intelligence Unit (LIU) within twenty-four hours of the arrival of a foreign national.
Form C contains following data:
Name of the Foreign Visitor:__________________
Passport No.:_____________________
Date of Issue:____________________
Place of Issue:____________________
Address in India:__________________________
Date of Arrival in India:________________
Arrived From:________________________
Whether employed in India : Yes/No
Proposed Duration of Stay in India:______________
Proposed Duration of Stay at Hotel:______________
Proceeding to:________________________
Registration Certificate No._________________
Date of Issue:______________________
Place of Issue:_____________________
Passport may be described as a political document recognizing the holder as a citizen of the country granting it, and is in nature of a request to other countries to his free passage there. Without a valid passport a person is not permitted to move in the territory of a foreign country
All passports generally bear the following information of the passport holder, though the format may vary from country to country:
Family name/Surname
Holder’s photograph
Given name
Name of father/legal guardian
Name of mother
Date of birth
Name of spouse
Place of birth
Validity period (expiry date)
Date of issue
Visa is an endorsement on the passport, allowing the holder to enter the territory of the issuing country. It is a document or, more frequently, a stamp in a passport, authorizing the bearer to visit a country for specific purposes and for a specific length of time.
Depending upon the nature of visit, the following types of visa may be issued:
Immigrant/Permanent visa It authorizes the holder of the visa to settle permanently in the county issuing the visa. This type of visa is rarely issued by countries and there are some countries that never issue such type of visa.
Temporary/Non-immigrant visa This type of visa is issued for a specific duration only. The person holding such a visa will have to return back to the home country after the expiry of the term of the visa
Registration Records
The registration activity is carried out at the front desk. The first step in the guest registration process begins with acquiring basic information about the guest, like name, address, purpose of visit, duration of stay, special requests, affiliation, designation, etc. The information gathered during the process of registration is stored as the registration record, which is based on Form F of the Registration of Foreigners’ Rule, 1992. Hotels have different ways of posting and storing registration records.
Depending upon the requirements of a hotel, the registration records may be maintained in:
Hard-bound register
Loose-leaf register
Guest registration card.
Hard-bound ( Red  Book) registers are normally used by small hotels. In such a register, all the pages are bound into a thick book and it can be used for a long time. The major advantages of using hard-bound registers are:
All the records for the duration are available in a single book.
Wastage of paper is minimal.
No filing is required.
There are certain disadvantages associated with the use of hard-bound registers for registration records. Some of the major disadvantages are:
If the book is misplaced, all the records for that entire duration are lost.
Only one guest can register at a time.
During peak hours of guest arrival, guests will have to form a queue and wait for their turn for registration.
Privacy of guests cannot be maintained.
Pre-registration is not possible.
Registration of groups/crews will take more time.
As it is very bulky and is used for a long duration of time, the register might look shabby at the counter.

A loose-leaf register contains the same data as a hard-bound register, with the difference that the pages are not bound. One new page is used every day . The following are the major advantages of using a loose-leaf register (F-form)
The privacy of the guest can be maintained to some extent.
If a sheet is lost, only one day’s records are lost.
It’s convenient to hand over to guests to fi ll their details.
The major disadvantages associated with the use of a loose-leaf register are:
The pages may be lost easily.
The space in the sheet goes waste if there is not enough number of guests on a particular day.
Only one guest can register at a time.
Pre-registration is not possible.
The sheets have to be filed.

Guest Registration Card
To overcome problems of hard-bound and loose-leaf registers, most hotels use individual guest registration cards (GRC) for registration records. GRCs may be used in duplicate or triplicate as per the policy of the hotel. They are given to the guest at the time of arrival to complete the registration formality. The following advantages are associated with the use of individual GRCs:
The efficiency of the front desk can be increased as many guests can register themselves at the same time using different cards.
As each guest fills a separate card, the privacy of guests can be maintained.
It is possible to pre-register guests.
The major disadvantages of using individual GRCs for registration activity are as follows.
They are quite expensive.
If not stored properly, they can be lost or misplaced.

Registration Process
The registration process involves many stages. The different stages of the registration process are:
Identification of Guest: Identifying the status of a guest—guest with confirmed reservation or walk-in guest—and to process registration accordingly.
Formation of Registration Records: Guests fill the registration form or verify the pre-filled GRC, and sign to approve and formalize the registration record.
Room and Rate Assignment: A room is assigned to the guest and the rate is fixed after deducting any discount.
Establishment of Mode of Settlement of Bills: Cash / Credit /TAV / TC / DD
Completion of Check-in Procedure: All the necessary formalities are completed.
Rook Keys are Issued
Check-in Procedures
The check-in procedure involves all stages from the arrival of a guest to the issuance of the room key to the guest.
Every hotel has their own SOP for check-in of :
Guests with Confirmed Reservation
Walk-in Guests
VIP Guests
Domestic and International Groups or Crews
Scanty Baggage Guests
Foreign Guests

Guests with Confirmed Reservation

Walk-in Guests

VIP Guests

Domestic and International Groups or Crews

Scanty Baggage Guests

Foreign Guests

Guest name : (Capitals )

Designation   :
Organization :
Address    :

Birth Day :
Anniversary         :
Arrived From             :

Proceeding To   :
Arrived Date          :            /  /
Time                        :        :
Departure Date   :          /  /
Time                        :        :

Tourist   / Holiday                             Conference
Purpose of Visit          :
Group                                                          Business
Mode of Payment :                  Cash                                                                Company                                       Credit Card

Credit Card         No.  :                                                                                                                 Expiry Date  :
Terms and Condition :-

                                                                                                                             GUEST'S SIGNATURE
Registration card


Registration Card


Sl no :

Resv no:

Guest Name :



Room No:

Room Type :

No of Adults

Room Rate

Date of Arrival :

Date of Departure:

Billing Inst.

Passport Details

Visa  Detials

Visa No:

Passport Number :

Date of Issue

Date of Issue

Place of Issue

Place of Issue

Date of Expiery

Date of Expiery

Type of Visa :

Credit Card Details


CC no


Hotel Policies :-







Duty Manager

Guest Signature



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